prOduk-pRoduk pUbliC GolD


Abu Bakr ibn Abi Maryam meriwayatkan bahawa dia mendengar Rasulullah S.A.W bersabda, " Akan tiba satu zaman di mana tiada apa yang bernilai dan boleh digunakan oleh umat manusia. Maka simpanlah dinar dan dirham (untuk digunakan)" - Musnad Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal

Saturday, November 17, 2012

What is a Fiscal Cliff?

The United States fiscal cliff is a neologism referring to the effect of a number of laws which, if unchanged, could result in tax increases, spending cuts, and a corresponding reduction in the budget deficit beginning in 2013.[1]

These laws include tax increases due to the expiration of the so-called Bush tax cuts and across-the-board spending cuts under the Budget Control Act of 2011.The year-over-year changes for fiscal years 2012–2013 include a 19.63% increase in tax revenue and 0.25% reduction in spending.[2]

Some major domestic programs, like Social Security, federal pensions and veterans' benefits, are exempted from the spending cuts. Spending for federal agencies and cabinet departments, including defense, would be reduced through across-the-board cuts (referred to as budget sequestration).The Congressional Budget Office reported an increased risk of recession during 2013 if the deficit is reduced suddenly, while indicating that lower deficits and debt over time improve long-term economic growth prospects.

The deficit for 2013 is projected to be reduced by roughly half, with the cumulative deficit over the next ten years to be lowered by as much as $7.1 trillion or about 70%.The Budget Control Act of 2011 was passed under the political environment of a partisan stalemate, in which Democrats and Republicans could not agree on how to reduce the deficit. It was thought that the blunt cuts of budget sequestration and sharp revenue increases would be mutually undesirable to both parties and provide an impetus and deadline to bring the sides together to solve the deficit problem.

The projected effects of these changes have led to calls both inside and outside of Congress to extend some or all of the tax cuts, and to replace the across-the-board reductions with more targeted cutbacks. It has been speculated that any change is unlikely to come until the period roughly between the 2012 federal elections and the end of the year. Additionally, the debate may be exacerbated by the expectation that the debt ceiling is expected to be reached before the end of 2012,[note 1]unless "extraordinary measures" are used.

[3]Nearly all proposals to avoid the fiscal cliff involve extending certain parts of the 2010 Tax Relief Act or changing the 2011 Budget Control Act or both, thus making the deficit larger by reducing taxes and/or increasing spending.

source ; wikipedia

Monday, November 12, 2012

Emas dan Dunia

Harga emas semasa kini menunjukkan trend yang memberangsangkan. Ini tak terkecuali dengan sentimen emas pasca pemilihan Presiden Amerika dan transformasi kepimpinan di China. Seperti sedia maklum, kedua-dua negara adalah pemain ekonomi utama dunia khasnya China yang kian mengukuhkan pengaruhnya terhadap ekonomi dunia.

Jika sebelum ini, harga emas dilihat tidak menentu ekoran ramai orang mengambil sikap 'wait and see' atas situasi semasa dunia. Antara yang dinantikan adalah situasi politik di Amerika. Pemilihan Presiden Amerika memang mampu mencorak ekonomi dunia lantaran setiap kepimpinan baru akan melakukan transformasi terhadap ekonomi mereka. Inilah saat yang dinantikan oleh pelabur-pelabur dunia. Ini dikarenakan, dengan jaminan ekonomi oleh pemerintah Amerika melalui dasar-dasar yang mereka terapkan akan dapat menentukan halatuju pelabur-pelabur ini. Dalam setiap pelaburan yang dilakukan, pasti jaminan keuntungan dan selamat uang diharapkan. Begitu jugala harapan pelabur-pelabur ini.

Dengan terpilihnya Presiden Obama untuk penggal kedua, berarti tiada perubahan yang significant terhadap dasar ekonomi Amerika. Jadi, dilihat situasi agak stabil. Tapi, masalah pinjaman rumah masih menjadi isu di Amerika ditambah dengan tragedi Sandy di New York baru-baru ini.

Ada juga pengamat ekonomi melihat kemenangan Obama ini belum maksimal kerana Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat mereka didominasi oleh pihak parti Republikan, sebaliknya parti Demokrat hanya menguasai Dewan Senat. Keadaan ini sedikit sebanyak mempengaruhi harga semasa emas yang dilihat masih mampu naik lagi.

Tapi, pengamat politik masih menantikan satu lagi momentum yang dikenali sebagai 'fiscal cliff'. Adakah harga emas kian menguat atau sebaliknya. :)